Hello from S. Davis Law Group, PLLC,

We hope that you and your loved ones are all doing well during this pandemic and year of unexpected transition. 

Please complete the opt-in form to download a FREE list of important agreements that small business consultants may need for their business from S. Davis Law Group, PLLC.

SDLG also wants to connect with YOU for upcoming content and updates for your business and legal needs. 

Our firm wants to share with you:
  • How to become debt free?
  • Differences between business entities?
  • What is a trademark? and why do you need it?
  • How to get copyright protection?
  • How can landlord/tenant prevent contract disputes?

Please also follow us on social media on:
Instagram: @sdavislawgroup 
Twitter:  @SDavisLG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sdavislawgroup/ 

Thank you,

Shakeatha Davis Principal Attorney
The S. Davis Law Group, PLLC

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